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Hotel Facilities and Guest Services
Enjoy the full use of our facilities and services during your stay at THE KNOT.

Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi is available in all guest rooms and lobby for wireless internet access via smartphones, tablets and PCs.


THE KNOT offers a wide range of quality amenities for your comfortable stay.

Smoking Room

Designated smoking room is available on the third floor.

Vending Machines

Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are available around the clock at the vending machines on the 4th floor.

Laundry Machines

Coin-operated laundry machines are available around the clock on the 4th floor.

Ice Machine

Ice machine is available around the clock on the 4th floor next to the vending machines.

Daytime use

Guestrooms can be booked for daytime use to work or relax, or to fresh-up before a party or a meeting.

Offsite Parking

Guest rate: 2,100 yen for overnight use from 3pm to 11am (Additional charge for hours after 11am) Please show your parking ticket at the front desk.